Deepfake Dilemma




An informative public service announcement addressing the current state of A.I. and the potential risks it could pose in the future. It includes interactive elements to engage the user during the learning experience.


Artificial Intelligence has been evolving at an increasing rate since its inception. While use of this technology has increased with goals of enhancing productivity, concerns have been raised regarding its seemingly unlimited capabilities & ethical use.


Information is often retained longer when learned through an engaging process. This website examines the subject of AI and the concerns of how the future will be impacted, by making use of interactive elements and selective reading.

Design Process

Name & Identity

The name of the website stands for the ethical dilemma regarding use of A.I. and deepfake technology. The deep indigo, glowing pink, and background grids were used to conjure a futuristic aesthetic. A gradient was added to the headers to give a metallic look to reinforce the mechanical themes of the subject.

Poppins was used as the body copy for readability and to complement the font used for the headers. Text that highlighted key statistics and ideas were emboldened and given a brighter color. Exo Bold was chosen for the headers as it embodied a robotic shape, matching the identity of the site.

Body Copy:

Bold Body Copy:
Poppins Bold

Exo Bold




Visual Design

Final Outcome

The final outcome is a responsive website that informs people about the growing concerns around A.I. while making use of a poll and quiz to enhance the learning experience.


Key Takeaways

  • During this project I learned how to program a quiz with conditional logic.
  • A.I. is expected to replace 400 million workers worldwide by 2030.